Power of Women in our Sixties

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Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

It is as important for us now to keep creating our Life’s Stories. As we look back, many of our stories that are memorable are usually unplanned, unexpected and either frightening or embarrassing! I remember one day very well…..

I’ll never forget the time I went out for dinner with a friend and her partner who brought along a blind date for me. I was thrown into this situation and throughout dinner, I knew this was a big mistake. It was awkward throughout and obviously we were not suited. I left on my own to drive home.

It was only 10pm on a Saturday night and I did not want to go home so early. I sat still for a while then dared myself to walk into a bar before allowing myself to go home. I drove to a music bar and parked outside. Oh yes, I thought, I was going to do this! No-one in there will know me, I thought, I’ll just walk in as if looking for someone then walk out again.

I got out of my car and headed towards the entrance. A security guard nodded at me with ‘that look’ and I headed to the bar which was full of couples or groups of friends. The piano was in full swing with many on the dance floor. I ordered a lemon lime soda and waited. My goodness what was I going to do now? I would have to turn around and face the crowd and make a decision. So I paid for the drink, took a big breath and turned.

The place was packed and I just stood there! Everyone was busy talking and laughing with someone they knew. Except for me. I spotted two ladies at a nearby table chatting together so I boldly walked up to them and asked if I could join them. They eagerly welcomed me and couldn’t believe that I had walked in on my own. They shared that it took them courage to come here too and that they felt very nervous.

We all stayed way past midnight chatting and dancing with those who asked us and to this day I remember it being one of my fun nights. The atmosphere was great and everyone around us became friendlier as the evening went on. This boosted my soul, my confidence and my level of happiness and as I drove home with a smile on my face feeling wonderful. The evening changed my outlook on life and gave me renewed confidence that I could connect with others rather than sit at home by myself.

We need to have intention, get out of our comfort zone and purposefully set our minds to achieve something that will boost our confidence. In our sixties we can make this happen by planning to conquer our fears by creating challenges, small ones, to then feel the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after. It is such a good feeling.

I listen to women in the Meet Up groups sharing how they were nervous to attend their first meeting and now feel part of a community and at ease in the company of like-minded women. One woman told me she had to take a Valium and others shared that they cancelled a few times before eventually joining us!

Sometimes living with the same partner for many years then having to be on your own can be daunting, but as you open up to possibilities, you realize everyone has similar challenges - to be conquered.

Whether you decide you walk into a café, a bar or go on a cruise by yourself , it can be the most liberating thing you can do. Bold women take off on road trips, walking holidays and cultural experiences on their own and relate precious times as they meet other solo travellers or simply treasure time on their own.

What will be your next challenge to take you out of your comfort zone?

If you have a comment or some information to add, please email me here.