Power of Women in our Sixties

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New Year Intentions to Help You Feel the Way You Want to Feel!

A Gift for Yourself to focus on you at the beginning of a new year I came across Jen’s Healing Brave and although I try to keep everyone’s spirits high, there are some who are doing it tough and this is for you. This young girl Jen has been through terrible moments but through them she now gives to others.

Firstly there are 12 Positive Intentions for Happiness, sit and focus, you will feel wonderful.

Happy New Year to you all!

-Chris Vidal

Instead of destroying old habits this year, focus on new energies. Forget lofty expectations. How do you want your life to FEEL? Imagine you’re already whole, enough, capable. Start there. You’re not lacking; you’re getting clear on who you really are. Then use these New Year intentions to start your year with a sense of freedom, joy, and hope.

First of all, intentions aren’t goals attached to external outcomes. They help you align with what you most want from the inside out. They inspire how you approach situations and decisions. Your intentions are more about WHY you’re doing whatever you jot down in your planner.

Here some steps to help you set positive new year intentions:

  • Clarify your intention. What do you want to cultivate in your life? Honestly. As examples, you can use phrases like “I want to feel…” “I intend to…” “May I…” or “Please help me.”

  • Visualize your intention. Imagine what it might look and feel like. What would your life be like if you felt this way, experienced life this way? Feel it, taste it, listen to it.

  • Use an affirmation to strengthen that intention. Affirmations are clear, positive statements in the present tense that encapsulate what you want to make a reality.

  • Use a mantra when you need a quick reminder to come back to your intention. A mantra can be a single word and is used as a focal point of concentration (usually in meditation, but not necessary).

  • Write down your intention. Be succinct, and repeat it out loud. Hang it up on the fridge, write it in your travel-sized notebook, or put it in your phone.

  • Release the pressure. You can use one intention per month, or one for the entire year. Your call. Once you’ve set your intention, let expectations go. Let it be an enjoyable practice. Give your intention room to breathe as you figure out what it means in everyday life.

12 Positive New Year Intentions for Happiness

1. Intention: I want to enjoy my life to the fullest.

Affirmation: I fully embrace the beauty of the little things. My smile is a symbol of hope, my kindness is a show of light, my presence is a gift to all, and my gratitude is a magnet for more to enjoy.

Mantra: Enjoy.

2. Intention: May I experience the peace that happiness brings.

Affirmation: I am willing to choose happiness at this moment.

Mantra: Happiness.

 3. Intention: May I be humble enough to surrender the things I cannot control.

Affirmation: I let go of what I think should be different, and I let it be what it is. 

Mantra: Surrender.

4. Intention: I want to have a healthy relationship with my body, mind, and soul.

Affirmation: I nourish and energize my body because I care for my body. I nurture my mind with positive thoughts that propel me forward. I connect to my soul through stillness and a loving perception.

Mantra: Relationship.

5. Intention: I intend to be in tune with the moment.

Affirmation: I can slow down, take a mindful breath, and strengthen my awareness. I am fully present to what life brings. My presence is my power. 

Mantra: Presence.

6. Intention: Please lift my thoughts to love, for everyone and everything, and for myself. Then I will know peace.

Affirmation: I choose love in this situation. I prioritize peace over the pain of separation. I opt for compassion instead of judgment. I prefer joy to fear. 

Mantra: Love.

7. Intention: I want to appreciate everything in my life as much as possible.

Affirmation: I honor my feelings and let them pass. I bow to the lessons that show up in my life. I am willing to be grateful in any given moment. Life is still worthy of my thanks.

Mantra: Appreciation.

8. Intention: May I remember to praise progress and forget perfection.

Affirmation: Life is a journey. I am a work in progress, and I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself. I accept this stage in my journey.

Mantra: Progress.

9. Intention: When life is hard, please help me see things in a new light.

Affirmation: I am willing to see things differently, and I request that shift in perception.

Mantra: Perspective. 

10. Intention: I intend to trust the process of life.

Affirmation: Even and especially when things don’t go according to plan or preference, I remain willing to trust that the universe has my back and a higher plan is unfolding for the greatest good.

Mantra: Trust.

11. Intention: I want lightness of being.

Affirmation: I align myself with peace and calm, not stress. I am aligned with the joy and light of my highest self.

Mantra: Lightness.

12. Intention: May I always rise above what pains me.

Affirmation: I am willing to forgive my negativity and the stress. I am willing to forgive others for their trespasses. I am willing to forgive myself for holding onto what doesn’t serve me (beliefs, grudges, worries, stress). I am forgiving life for not being what I thought it should be. I can rise above this pain through forgiveness. 

Mantra: Rise.
