Power of Women in our Sixties

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Online Dating.....our stories!

An RSVP Adventure….

I was on RSVP for the first time at the age of 47, and what a journey it became.  I thought that the internet was the place to be to meet fascinating and interesting men (having been on my own since my second divorce) so I would try it out!

I have remained on RSVP till now, meeting men of all sorts and what Im going to do is share some stories about some I encountered.  I am still happily single, appreciate life and of course if a date is in the air, then I follow my rule!

Which is.....accept graciously, meet for a drink then decide. Am I going to spend time with this gentleman as I enjoy the company of this fabulous man or....... listen to his past, how dreadful his x wife and children are, how life is so unfair and ...... or simply say, 'thank you so much for the drink, but Im going to go home now."  Which means diving into your bed with a wonderful book, watching a DVD, speaking on your phone to a girlfriend or daughter/son and indulging in self!!!

Because the consequence of staying is just putting off the inevitable.....

My very first was Stephen.....

A couple of days later I received a hello message from Stephen!  He was living in Sydney, a physio-therapist who had two kids from his first marriage.  We exchanged a few emails and then he suggested he fly up to the Coast where I lived to meet, spend a day – take me to dinner and fly back.  Wow, what a step forward this would be.  So I said okay and it was a couple of weeks later that I was meeting him at the airport and driving him to have dinner. 

Its an interesting situation as when you haven’t met a person in the real and you just see the photo.  In a photo you can determine the person you want, as a photo. I have found out since, its not quite what you envisage.  Trust me!  But Stephen was infact a lovely guy, good looking but, and there is always a but – he was shorter than me, much!  Everyone has their own thing and mine is he has to be taller, as I am tall!  If you are involved with a bloke you want him taller, well I do!  

We had dinner together and talked with great ease. He was fairly forward with his affection and that then grew to him being very affectionate and really too over the top!  My goodness, by the time it came to the end of dinner I was ready to race out of there.  But he paid for the bill like a gentleman, walked out to the car and the big question – where was he staying until his return flight!  He did imply that since we had got on so well he could stay at my place but oh no, the best decision I made was we should stick to plan A and he get his own hotel room.  The fact that he had not booked one made me think he had done all of this before and scored his own complimentary stay – but no, I drove him to an area with many hotels and said goodnight.

He did fly back the next day but wow, his next email was a little short of a proposal.  He thought that because we had got on so well, I should consider moving down to Sydney and moving in with him.  What!  I couldn’t believe what I read as this fast moving Stephen was obviously a step ahead of me and I wondered what move  did I make that gave him any inclination this could be a possibility!

There were other polite emails then Stephen and I moved on….

If you have a comment or some information to add, please email me here.