Qualification of our 'power'....

Qualification of ‘ Power…..’

 So how do us sixty year olds qualify to use ‘The Power of a Sixty Year Old Woman’.   Power is a very strong word yet I do choose to use it.  It has to be earned and at this stage in our lives,

I believe we have done just that. We have experienced this world for 60 years and tested everything in it!  We have been babies, young children, teenagers, been there for the first day of a new job, attended interviews - successful or not, we have

worked with inspiring or dreadful co-workers, fallen in love and out of it,

been jealous, envious, let down or supported in every way.  We have

learnt to handle money, health and emotions.  We have either been

mothers, wives or carers and handled a job, voluntary work and been ill –

all at the same time in many cases!  Friends have come in and out of our

lives, for however long and we continue to grow older gracefully,

intelligently with a willingness to learn more and more about ourselves.

When we were young, in our teens, it was quite a different world than it is today.  We were believers and conditioned to follow what adults said and how they acted without question.  Our world was closeted and it felt quite safe.  We lived in smaller worlds and we were all very self -conscious.  We were concerned our bra straps would show, or our tights had holes in them, were our skirts too short, and did our colours match in every way.  We have come a long way and since Julia Roberts performed in ‘Erin Brockovich’ in 2000 and even our age we are now enjoying choosing coloured bra straps to match our outfit, for them to be seen!  Then of course the Internet, has been like a huge cavern opening surely but slowly, revealing everything we have kept private i.e. periods, sex, judgment, boys, relationships.  My goodness it all became so open and nothing barred - but we all thought the same, how amazing!  Yet, I believe us sixties have kept our self-pride, a dignity and a level of decorum which keeps us apart!


-   I remember when one of the women’s magazines openly discussed periods. Private ‘stuff’ wasn't discussed in those days and one only learnt about private issues with friends who were more open than you.  At boarding school, after lights out, we had Friday night chats on a chosen bed in the dormitory and everything was thrown out in the open.  I was horrified at first to learn of such private things but then became the one who shared the info with new boarders.  Our mums never had discussions with their mums, so it was left to us to find out about periods, sex and relationships.  We did extremely well considering the circumstances! 

-   There was no such thing as A.D.D., stress, anxiety or the rights and wrongs of knowing.  It was simply not discussed and suddenly you were experiencing it.  I look back and know it wasn't such an ordeal.  In todays world we listen to much hype and exaggeration by individuals who create unnecessarily anxiety - rather like listening to individuals in government.


We have flown by the seat of our pants when we have had very much less than we do now.  We have taken chances, turned ourselves around after being ‘dumped’ and fought on when the family has had a crisis.  We give of ourselves totally then cope with watching others move forward while we stay still and let them go.  The emotions have been huge!


Our power is our experience and we must seriously commend ourselves for years of training, learning, experimenting, success and failure.


So, are we going to just let it all go and fade into ‘that part of life that we have let happen’.?  No!   We do have an opportunity to use it, develop it and take the power to make these ten years of our sixties something special.  If we don't believe that its all been for something, then why did we bother?  If we take each decade and write down our achievements (and failures as we did survive them), boy did we do a hell of a lot!

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Chris VidalComment
A Decade of Being 60.....

A Decade of being Sixty…!

I’m 59 years old and there’s an excitement in my bones thinking, “What’s

 Next?”  How unbelievably fortunate we are, being on this planet at this

stage of life with so many opportunities. We have a whole decade ahead

of us.  Lets get excited as it’s a whole ten years to do anything we choose. 

We can actually start at the beginning of something and have the time to

do things right, or at least have a chance to plan something then execute it

knowing someone has accomplished this before.  Thinking back on our

twenties or thirties, we were totally irresponsible in our judgment or

decision making and we must have had far less money than we have now,

(even if we don’t have that much now), so really it’s a no brainer, we can

do what we choose.

At that stage we did make decisions and weren’t we brave looking back. 

We had no experiences to refer to, we listened to other opinions and were

guided by those who didn’t really know what we wanted! 

If we consider the vast changes in our world – attitudes, developments,

inventions, perceptions and discoveries of every sort, how unbelievably

fortunate are we, as sixty year old women, to be living at this time. The

opportunities could be huge!  We have a whole decade ahead of us to

decide where we want to go, what we want to accomplish and  the

changes we want to make.






We can actually start at the beginning of something and have the time to

do things right, or at least have a chance to plan something then execute

it. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel but choose the successes of others

and do it better, take a short cut and act on it. 

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Chris VidalComment
Flowers Lift The Heart...

Flowers have always been such a big part of my life, I love them.  I notice beautiful flowers everywhere as their beauty and simplicity in creation is quite emotional for me.  Its a teaching to keep things simple then you see the beauty in it.  My son and daughter send me the most beautiful flowers for my birthday as we are not normally in the same country, and to be honest, thats all I look forward to.  Its an overwhelming emotion that they have planned the order, know what I love to receive and ensure its followed by a long phone call to listen to my overly dramatic reaction to receiving them!  Then I nurture them to last as long as possible.  

Every country has their own beautiful flowers to be seen at markets, flower shops, restaurants, hotel lobbies and gardens.  So to pause and study the intricacy to their design is a treat, especially when they are growing from a wall, shooting out of a pavement or somehow, out of a building wall!  

Its the time we take to notice them and in our sixties we find the time.  Its important to notice the simplicity of beauty and we need to do this to accept that our beauty is simple and we don't really need to do too much except feed the inner body to reveal this beauty.  Nourishing ourselves with simple wholesome  foods to bring out the beauty in our skin, our hair, our teeth and vitality can be simple.  We have lived through many creations of fake food, stimulants and botox - move on, enjoy the simple things.  Normally they work best.

So, surround yourself by beautiful flowers - one or two is enough, have them in a vase where you sit whether it be at work, your dressing table, by the bed or in the bathroom......notice the simplicity of their beauty and embrace it. 

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