A Reading Nook
The home can be a busy place until you find your space of quiet.
Doing the things we love deserve a beautiful space. It could be inside or outside, but this place is where your breathing slows, your body relaxes and your eyes gaze around and you love what you see. What you really love doing tends to be a special treat, something that when everything else is done, you can now settle to do this. It may be reading, or sewing, or singing, or playing music or an instrument, looking at photographs - its endless!
There are so many ways we can now obtain a book. We can still go to our libraries which have become such a peaceful place (as long as you don't go when the kindergarten group are singing 'The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round' ). They have up to date issues of magazines, the newspaper and will order you a book if they don't have your choice.
Or if you have a Kindle or iPad, you can download from the Library, from Amazon and have all your books on one device. If you don't have much room at home, this is ideal as your 'library' is on one device and all you need is a comfortable chair, in your reading space.
Another choice is to visit the second hand stores or App Shops and purchase some wonderful books for one or two dollars and create your home library of favourites. This can be based on 'Coffee Table Books' which are larger and have beautiful photographs. These can be very expensive to buy in book stores, but the App Shops have many on offer.
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