What Does Mother's Day Mean to Us?

It is a day to recognize and celebrate motherhood, along with all the wonderful things mothers do for us in our lives and in society. It is a time to make a mother feel even more special.

I’ve been a mother for a few decades now and I never tire of its significance.

What Mother’s Day means to each of us may be different. For others Mother’s Day takes on a completely different meaning, and is in fact a celebration of their life or a reminder of who they were. While some people claim that it’s a fabricated holiday, commercialized by the likes of card companies, chocolate stores and flower shops to make more money. To that, I say, who cares?

What does it mean to you?

Here are what some other 60 year old women think of Mother’s Day:

“Its a hard day for me. My mum is in heaven and I wasnt blessed with kids. Its the one Sunday I never go to church.” - Elaine K.

“My kids will call and that is all I want, some acknowledgement. My husband says he is not my Mum. He is kinda a dumb shit sometimes.” - Kim D.

“Nice I am lucky enough to have my mum still and I have 2 kids. The happiest thing is just to say ‘I love you’ and thanks on that day. We never do gifts just love.” - Kim G.

“Honouring my mother in her older age and hoping my kid remembers me in some way and that I get to spend some time with him.” - Michelle F.

“After a handful of difficult years, motherhood is finally paying off. I've got some very thoughtful, considerate adult children.” - Deanna V.

“Mother's Day for me is a reason to pause and be thankful for my children and grandchildren. To be thankful they are all healthy and happy. That's all I want. We zoom often throughout this and I imagine our Mother's Day we will Zoom then too” - Lisa M.

“It makes me miss my mum more” - Rita H.

“Mother’s Day was always for my Mum. We celebrated together, but it was always for her. My kids live in Israel and my husband always does something for me. My 96 year old Mum passed away two weeks ago today and this will be the first year without her. I can’t imagine the day without her. But I would like to do something to honour her memory.” - Linda S.

“Mother’s Day is and always has been the most important day of the year for me, being a mother is a gift, a blessing it is also the day I visit my mother’s grave, a tribute to an amazing woman.” - Leanne P.

“Just another day, but sometimes secretly hoping that my kids will make an effort, oh well, still love the brats !” - Twila G.

“Quality time with my family and it’s the one time of the year I can possibly get my husband to cook.” - Steffany B.

“ It's a day that I give thanks to my mum for my upbringing and all that she has done for me, and a chance to reflect on my own role

in my children's lives xx” - Amanda S.

“Its bittersweet. #1 I always really miss my mum who died in '06...#2 I lost my youngest son in a car accident a year ago. However, I DO have my oldest son alive and kicking so I’m thankful that we can celebrate Mothers Day.” - Tracy S.

“ Love it for it is the role I most dreamed of "mum" and I am so very proud of the 2 humans I birthed. Plus it’s a day I know I will be hearing from my wonderful kiddos. A day that is all about ME!” - Jan D.

“Being a mum is God’s greatest blessing so thankful I’m a mom and I had a wonderful mum who I love and miss so much. I was blessed with a wonderful daughter and granddaughter! Thank you God” - Edith R.

“My babies are grown women now. But our relationship is still special.

Mother’s Day reminds me that it’s a gift that I will always be thankful for.” - Tante J.

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